Of Fields and Forces

 So, I've been thinking about genetics lately, as those of you that actually read these things know. I mentioned some fringe theories about genetics that would make even the great amount we know now about the field to be incredibly shallow, if they turn out to be more true than most people give them credit for nowadays. Either way, they make for some pretty good science fiction, for anyone out there that can take some of what I'm about to talk about and put their own spin on it. 

The first piece I want to talk about is called the CEMI-field theory, or the Conscious Electromagnetic Information field theory. This is a theory most eloquently put out into public awareness by a guy named Johnjoe(yes that's his real name) McFadden, in his book Quantum Evolution. While the book in general was pretty fascinating, it was his last chapter in the book where he laid down the foundation for this one. 

The premise starts with the idea that each neuron is basically a tube, and when one triggers, it doesn't actually act like an electrical wire, there's an actual cascade of ions in and out of each tube. A neuronal trigger is when a wave of these ions ripples down the tube. Every time the ions go into or out of the tube they're part of, they grow or diminish a voltage, a charge differential, that emanates out into the tissue surrounding it as an electromagnetic field. That being the basic function, there are two more pieces that have to do with the greater architecture of the brain that make this important. They have to do with how fields, and the waves they are made up of, interfere with each other. When two waves are in sync, they add their strength to each other, making for a wave with greater amplitude than either component. The opposite is also true. When two waves are out of sync, they tend to dampen each other, cancel each other out. There are technologies that create silencing sound waves by emitting sounds exactly out of sync with any targeted sounds, canceling them out. The next piece has to do with how neurons build up input from their surrounding neurons, basically tallying them as an initial ionic charge buildup before they fire. When enough inputs add up, they build up the requisite ionic charge, then fire. Theoretically, if enough input signals built up that the neuron was kind of the edge of firing, requiring less than a whole input to have the critical mass of ionic charge to set off a wave, then a strong enough external EM field could push that critical mass over the threshold. Finally, when enough neurons fire in sync with each other, then the fields they produce can reinforce each other, building up to a strong enough external field that any neurons that are close to firing in sequence might be triggered. 

All that being said, McFadden proposes that it's in this gestalt em field that is produced by the firing of all the different neurons in the brain, interfering with each other in both cancelling and reinforcing topologies, where consciousness actually happens. Most brain functions, then, would be delegated to automatic, unconscious decision making, which we'd only be aware of after the fact, but when faced with a choice that actually that is actually close, where enough neurons are on the brink of choosing one outcome over another, it's the EM field that has the ability to push enough of them one way or dampen enough of them the other way, to make an actual conscious decision. 

With the proper sensor equipment and modeling software, there's no reason these fields can be detected by a computer, and the mind, the EM field produced by the brain and in charge of the critical choices the brain has to make, couldn't be perceived. I mean, it's not like those EM fields actually stop at the skin. We might not be able to get the full strength of every point of the field, but we'd at least be able to perceive the outer surface of it. Who knows what information that outer surface carries? Which also leads me to my next step. The nervous system doesn't stop at the brain. There have been studies that show both the heart and the epithelial cells lining the intestinal walls in our guts have huge amounts of neurons, comparable to the entire brains of even slightly less complex animals. There is a something to be said about a level of consciousness in those parts of the nervous system, too. Finally, it's not too hard to imagine such patterns of interference in other complex parts of the nervous system, even if not quite as complex as those three. Like the spinal cord, or the gonadal area, or the vocal chords area, the only part of the brain that comes out of the skull, the optic nerves. All taken into consideration, it's easy to see these bundles of conscious, or semi-conscious, nervous fields aligning with ancient traditions of chakras. 

There are seven such chakras. First, you have the crown, the top of the head, second, the third eye, situated right between the two optic nerves, then the throat chakra, by the vocal chords, the heart, the solar plexus chakra, by the gut, the sacral chakra, by the gonads, and the root chakra, at the base of the spine, which could almost be seen like a laser form of these conscious bundles of nerves, since they're all lined up in one direction and one cord, basically. Weird, huh? Almost like someone at some point had some kind of electromagnetic sense that could make out these particular places in the body as being special, because of the base level of complexity the nerves had in them and the CEMI-fields they generated. Of course, humans have been found to have proteins in our corneas, in our eyes, that are similar to those in birds that can see electromagnetic fields. Actually, those magnetically sensitive proteins polarize the photons based on the surrounding fields, meaning birds, and potentially sensitive humans, would see these fields as patterns of light and shadow, requiring bright ambient light to see any differences. 

If you're starting to see how a science fiction story could incorporate magic-like medical technology, you're not far off and you haven't seen the half of it, yet. The next step is DNA, and this is even more theoretical. Back in the 90's, there was a Russian team that had done some experiments on DNA in general, and found some weird results. As far as I can tell, no one has really tried to replicate or refute them since, only bury them. Now those experiments are mostly referenced by crackpots the world over, the mainstream scientific community not even really acknowledging that they happened. But, if you look, they are available for the public to review them, anyone brave enough to repeat their experiments can take note.

Anyway, the experiments revealed somethings about DNA, interesting things. One of these things is that DNA produces highly coherent light, like a light emitting diode, or a laser. This matters because of how photons work. One of the founding experiments that unlocked the secrets of quantum mechanics was the dual slit experiment, where light going through two slits interfered and created interference patterns. This is true even down to individual photons. Instead of acting the way we would expect a particle to behave, single photons behaved like waves, interfering with themselves to create the class wave interference pattern. Suggesting that the photon somehow went through both holes at the same time, interfered with itself, then landed on a detector just like a particle would. The other thing to understand is something called plasmons. To the best of my understanding, plasmons are usually created with metals and the metamaterials that are made from them. Metals have a kind of cloud of EM energy along their surfaces, because their conductivity allows electrons inside them to move so easily, and moving electrons create magnetic fields. Anyway, plasmons are made when certain photons at certain frequencies are absorbed by the metallic surface, the energy being held in the discreet photonic packet inside that electron swarm. The energy travels through the metal, then is reemmited as a photon of the original photon's energy level. This energy that is basically a photon being carried by an electron cloud is what we call a plasmon. It's basically an electron-photon hybrid. But this is a thing DNA can do, too. It absorbs and emits biophotons all the time. Remember, these biophotons are super coherent, and because they act like waves, can be seen as fields, until a nearby strand of DNA absorbs it like a particle. As we saw with the CEMI-field situation, when a bunch of fields interfere with each other, they create a standing wave interference pattern. In this case, this field is a different frequency, one attuned to the biophotons the DNA is constantly bouncing back and forth, instead of the electric field created by the neural tubes. 

Just as we can imagine a biofield produced by a nervous system that is reminiscent of chakras, it's easy to see this much less powerful field that permeates the whole body to be a kind of another energetic part of the human body. But what purpose does this second level aura have? Well, that's where magnetohydrodynamics comes in. Magneto-whosawhatsit?

Magnetohydrodynamics is the study of fluids that are conducive to electrical current. When you look it up, you see two primary applications, the study of the electrical properties of saltwater, and the study of superheated plasma. Coincidentally, both qualify for this. The saltwater studies obviously deal with much lower energy levels. This has to do with the interestingly polar structure of water molecules. If you remember what the standard picture of what a water molecule looks like, it's usually a kind of Y-shape, with the larger oxygen atom on one corner and two hydrogen atoms sticking out of it on the same side. Well, as it so happens, each water molecule has a slight magnetic polarity because of this structure. When you introduce ionized molecules, like when you dissolve salts into the water, those ions can clump the water in interesting ways, creating a kind of wave distortion in the water based on the charge in the ions. 

As you may recall from basic biology, the human body is comprised primarily of saltwater. Well, there have been those that question exactly how a single cell, the zygote, replicating itself over and over can differentiate individual cells when forming a fetus, when forming the human body. This is where the standing wave interference patterns from the DNA biophotons come in. They create a wave guide, a three dimensional lattice of EM gradients that guide ions and their attached elements into place, creating a kind of holographic blueprint for a body before the materials are even in place to fill them. 

But with the human genome having been decoded, so to speak, where are all these blueprints coming from? Well, when it was originally announced that the human genome was decoded, it was really just the 1-2% that codes for proteins directly that were decoded. The other 98-99% of the human genome was considered junk. Junk! This is where the next big piece of the puzzle comes in. The wave biocomputer. I'll be honest, this part is a little beyond my understanding. As far as I can tell, the genetic material seems to undulate, twisting and untwisting, kind of like a spiral shaped pendulum. The frequencies of these vibrations seem to have something to do with the content of the genetic material and the biophotons that are absorbed by the chromosomes from the bioholograms produced by surrounding cells. Meaning each cell has chromosomal material that is constantly computing, in sync with the same material in surrounding cells. This kind of postulates that so much of the genetic material is semi-conscious, or at least computational, and with the trillions of cells in the body interacting with each other, there is an EM basis for something like an astral form.

Which brings me all the way around. I imagine a sci-fi setting that has medicine like something out of Star Trek, but kind of based on ancient energetic body beliefs, like chakras and the astral self and ethereal self and whatnot. Genetic manipulation is done with an array of powerful led lights set up in a kind of cocoon, projecting into the flesh with red or infrared light, to be reabsorbed by the equivalent radioactive dye we use in imaging techniques today, remitted as ultraviolet, the wavelength that the body uses. Then we program the cells to either change their programming, or we modify how the encode for the body. This can be a technique used over and over to maintain youth, or you could go through an  extended bodily reprogramming to change your body, height, hair and skin color, sexual expression, everything. You could program your body to be on the very edge of human excellence, all the time. 

Then there's the potential for psi components, like telepathy, telekinesis, psychometry, remote viewing, and astral projection. It would all be contained by lightspeed, since it's the body's EM fields that are causing all of these, but at close ranges, that can be fun. Anyway, that's most of the reading and research that I've done on this stuff. Some of it is undoubtedly hocus pocus, but some of it, starting with CEMI-fields and perhaps the DNA using the bioholograms as wave guides for bodily construction, that sounds plausible to me. So.... that's what I wanted to talk about, after the whole memetic stuff I did last time. 


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